Are you keen to support the Visual Arts in your community?
The NORTH AYRSHIRE OPEN ART EXHIBITION would like to invite you to become a sponsor for our annual North Ayrshire Open Art Exhibition.
This popular and well-established exhibition has been running since 1996 and is currently the biggest in North Ayrshire, attracting around 2000 visitors each year.
Our primary source of funding for the exhibition is sponsorship from successful local companies and as the exhibition is run mostly by volunteers and not-for-profit it means our sponsorship money can be used to facilitate the best exhibition we possibly can.
The Benefits of sponsorship:
Your logo will be present on the home page of our website and info about your business will be available to view on a dedicated ‘Sponsors Page’.
We have a large following on Instagram and Facebook where we can, by request, post ads for your business.
Your logo will be present on our advertising posters and leaflets.
For the duration of the exhibition there will be a table where you are free to leave any of your business information and details in the form of leaflets, business cards and brochures for our visitors to pick up.
You may also have the opportunity to feature in local newspapers.
Venue cost, upkeep & advertising
This is our most important sponsorship package as any money donated would help us to pay our venue let fee, maintain our equipment and cover printing costs to help us advertise our exhibition and our sponsors.
Artist’s Prize
Donating a cash prize to an artist of your choice will not only help to support our local artists financially but also provides artists with much needed promotion and recognition. When you sponsor an artist your business name is displayed on a plaque next to your chosen, winning artwork for the duration of the exhibition.
Our usual sponsorship donations range between £200 - £1000, however we would be delighted to accept any amount of your choice.
Should you choose to sponsor our exhibition; your support will be greatly appreciated, we simply couldn’t do it without the generosity of our local businesses.
If you are interested in supporting the Visual Arts in your community, please contact:
Julia Griffin, Exhibition Co-ordinator: naopenart@gmail.com
Thank you!